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Marilyn Fraley
Geboren inIowa
85 years
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Jim & Carol Pilkington Jim is a cousin January 6, 2009

We were sorry to hear of Marilyn's death.  Tom Halbert has kept us posted on the cousins.  Our prayers are with you for comfort and peace.  God bless you all.


Love, Jim and Carol Pilkington  


Jim is remaining son of James Jeffers, Aunt Katherines little brother.

Joanie Berkwitz friend of Lynn January 1, 2009
She was a lovely woman, and although I never met her, I respect her because of knowing Lynn, who is a dear friend. Lynn, my heart goes out to you and your family, and I hope that you can take consolation in knowing that she lived a full and meaningful life.

Much love,
Elizabeth LaRose Friend December 31, 2008

I met Mrs. Fraley a couple of years ago at her home. I recall her as a very gentle and sweet person. My love to you, Lynn, at this sad time.

Amy Rediker Esquire December 30, 2008
Hi Lynn; Though I wasn't fortunate enough to have met your mom, I enjoyed seeing the photos of her that are posted here. You look so much like her! If she was anything like you in thought or deed, she must have been wonderful.
Miss you,

PS: The kitties are fine. Rambunctious, but fine. They miss you as well...
Linda (Tongate)Seibert Friend December 22, 2008

Hal and Lynn,

    I don't know if you remember me or not, but I watched Lynn one(?) summer when I was in high school. I lived on Kaskaskia Ct. not far from you.   I was  saddened to see that she had passed away and have many fond memories of that summer.  My sympathy to both of you and your families at this time.

Judy and Pat Sheridan friends of Lynn living in Boise December 22, 2008
I met Marilyn several years ago when Hal was initially hospitalized.  It was a delightful visit and after finding out I also read mysteries, she told me about the British writer, Martha Grimes.  I have read several of her books since.  I remember sitting in the kitchen having cake on her birthday in February.  Our condolences to Lynn and other family members.  Thinking of you.  Judy
Cindy & Neil Tousley old neighbors December 21, 2008
Hal and Lynn, we were so sorry to read of Marilyn's death.  What a lovely photo.
Marilyn and I played in a neighborhood bridge club.  Lynn, it started before you were a gleam in your parents' eye.  You were at bridge club cuddled by Mom and oood and aaahd at by the other 7 card players.  Mom dropped out before you were a year so we didn't see you grow up and then we lost touch and eventually we moved to Peo.  Just know we had a good time together then.  Our sympathies
to you both and the family.  Regards from the Tousleys
Mary Ann & Art Moore Family December 21, 2008

Our hearts go out to Lynn and family at this time of sorrow. May you be blessed with peacefull memories.


Mary Ann and Art Moore

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